Potencjostat wielokanałowy firmy Scribner Associates. Budowa modułowa, łatwo rozszerzalny do 150 4-elektrodowych kanałów.

Our multi-channel potentiostat model 445 supports up to 150 channels per unit, and includes hot-swap cell capability. An exceptional value, the model 445’s tough design and construction includes a conformal coating,  making it ideal for research or production use. Scribner Associates offers the model 445 in both benchtop and rackmount form factors.



Benefits & Features:

  • Ideal for large test matrices & materials evaluation
  • Isolated, independent voltage control & current measurement
  • Log voltage & current for each channel with an external data acquisition system
  • Cell ON/OFF switch for safe hot-swapping & uninterrupted operation
  • Stable potential control for long-term testing
  • Bench-top or rack mounted
  • 4-electrode input (WE, CE, RE1, RE2), (+ or -)200 mA per channel
  • Conformal coating for added protection against harsh environments