The stainless steel electrochemical detection Auxiliary Electrode block has alignment pins that insure the thin-layer gasket and working electrode are properly aligned when assembled. The auxiliary electrode includes a phenolic base, arms, and inlet/exit connections. Order complete electrochemical detector flow cell package, or individual auxiliary electrode parts, including the three parts of the clamping mechanism. There are four auxiliary electrode styles available, cross flow with down-stream reference electrode, cross flow with reference electrode port, arc flow, and radial flow. If fraction collection or connection to a second detector (UV, fluorescence, or MS) is required, then the cross-flow with reference port (MF-1092) should be used. Otherwise, for cross-flow applications we recommend the downstream reference configuration (MF-1093).

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Flow Pattern



Corresponding Auxiliary Electrodes

MF-1093 Cross-Flow with
Downstream Reference


MF-1092 Cross-Flow
with Reference Port

MF-1087 Arc Flow

MF-1091 Radial Flow

Quick Release Mechanism

MR-3609      clamp screw

MR-3741      dowel plate

MR-3742      cross plate

MR-3170      replacement registration pin


BASi Auxiliary Electrochemical Detector Electrodes for Thin-Layer Flowcell