Anti-Bacterial Solution

ProClin150™ solution can help to effectively control microorganisms in your dialysis set up.

  • Broad-spectrum microbicides inhibits microbe growth and causes cell death
  • Especially useful for experiments involving ACh, amino acids, glucose, lactate, or pyruvate

Note: When using a liquid swivel system, do NOT use a syringe to manually fill the tubing and/or liquid swivel with the ProClin. To avoid damage, use a syringe pump to flush the tubing and swivel with the ProClin at normal microdialysis flow rates, or aspirate the ProClin solution through the system via suction from a syringe. Always flush several volumes of water or perfusate though the system before reusing tubing or swivels flushed with ProClin150™.

Perfusion Fluid

BASi offers Ringer’s Solution for use in your microdialysis experiments. This sterile reagent is typically used for peripheral tissues, such as muscle, subcutaneous, and IP implants. We are sorry, but at this time BASi does not offer artificial CSF for sale.

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List of products

CF-2150 ProClin150™ Preservative, 100 mL
ProClin® is a registered trademark of Rohm & Haas Co.


CF-1700 Ringers Sterile Solution 1 Liter Bag


Perfusion Fluid & Cleaner